There are times when I'm convinced that Joe Namath really did make a deal with the devil to ensure a win in Super Bowl 3. How else do you explain these past 40 years of futility?
Once again, the Jets managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The New York Jets managed to collapse and let the Dolphins once again beat them. I can't even count the number of times that the Dolphins have dashed the Jets hopes. And once again we have managed to make an opposing quarterback look like the second coming of Joe Montana.
Of course, the Jets fans are really the losers here. Not only do we have the constant pressure of the Giants fans who rightfully so seem to own New York. But we are also so stupid that the Jets ownership thinks they can shove PSLs down the throats of the fans so that the fans can not only pay for the tickets but also pay for the rights to buy the tickets. All so we can continue to see just bad, bad football.
I never thought I'd put the Jets fans in the same company as the Chicago Cubs fans, but really, they are two of a kind. And how stupid are we that we keep coming back for more. If I do my math correctly, and the Jets are in fact the second coming of the Chicago Cubs, then we have at least 60 more years of futility to look forward to.
Get those PSL's while you can!!