OK, so let me see if I have this straight. Governor Christie is claiming that the state is broke. So broke that it can't afford to keep up aide for local towns or, heaven forbid, public schools, but he can find $216 Million to fund a casino! I mean, of all things, a casino!?!
What is he thinking - that perhaps in a city where even the most experienced casino operators can't find a way to turn a profit, he's going to figure this out? Really??
I have a better idea. Why not take the $216 million and bring it to one of the currently OPEN casinos, go to a roulette table and place it all on red. Or black. Whatever. You have just as much of a chance of seeing a return on your money that way as you do by investing it IN a casino.
And THIS is the man the Republicans want to run for President. Starting to make Sarah Palin look like a goddamn Rhodes scholar! And to think we've all been making fun of Snookie all this time!!
And now you know why living in New Jersey isn't a way of life, it's a life sentence.