So today is my birthday. 59 laps around the sun. Normally, I don't make a big deal out of my birthday. And today is really no exception. Except that there's something that feels final about 59. Because next year is, well, lets just say it's a year that end in a zero and that is always somebody's idea of a big deal.
Anyway, this morning, as I have done every November 14 for the last 30 years or so, I played this song - "Birthday Boy" by Chicago. But today, the lyrics hit me harder than they have in the past.
So, I share them here for you to consider.
"Birthday Boy" by Danny Seraphine and David J. Wolinski
Birthday boy, blow out the candles;Good friends around you, you should feel O.K.Don't look so sad and blue;Don't act forsaken, this day's for you.Good days are coming, my friend;Life can be easy 'til the end.Birthday boy, don't fear tomorrow;Changes before you; years drift away.You see life as pictures, frame to frame;Many years wasted, what a shame.Good days are coming, my friend;Life can be easy 'til the end, 'til the end.That empty feeling won't go away;Caught up in hurting, day after day;When will you see the joy in your life?It's there for you, it's there for you.Don't look so sad and blue;Don't act forsaken, this day's for you.Good days are coming, once you stop running;Life could be easy, easy for you.