Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snowblower? Who needs a snowblower!

It’s snowing. No, I mean it’s really snowing. Like “blizzard warning” snowing. Like up to 20 inches snowing. And, of course, I have a snowblower. A dead snowblower. As in “there ain’t no way in hell that this thing is starting” snowblower.

Which is an inconvenience. And one that I could have avoided, had I let my mother have her way. She had been bugging me for months to let her buy me a snowblower. Over and over she asked. Sort of like when she wanted to buy me a new lawnmower. At that time, I put her off and put her off until one day she and my father showed up on my driveway with a new lawnmower in the back of their SUV. Of course, that was back before my dad’s stroke and now he won’t drive this far. Which probably precluded them from showing up with a snowblower in the back of said SUV.

So I told her I would go shopping. Which I did. And what I found out was that these damned things cost an ass and a half if they cost a penny. A decent snowblower is about $500 and there is just no way I’d feel comfortable with my mother spending $500 on an item that you are likely to use maybe a few times each year. At least the lawnmower gets used every week from April through October or beyond. But a snowblower??

Funny - but I felt pretty good about NOT buying the flipping thing and spending her money foolishly. That is until the snow started falling earlier tonight. And falling. And falling.

And now, I’m left with 50 pounds of salt, a driveway covered with cars and snow, and a trusty shovel. Oh well - it’s on with the boots, the overcoat, the scarf, the gloves and the hat. And stocking up on the Advil. It’s going to be a long weekend.