Friday, April 23, 2010

And they still don't get it

As I've mentioned before, I stupidly keep checking the comments that are posted with every article that bashes teachers and blames us for all of New Jersey's woes.

Came across this one this morning and, rather than paraphrasing, i thought I'd swipe it and post it here. Here's what this genius wrote:

"I love how all these teachers are claiming they teach bc they love it, they love the kids, its all about the kids....Really? Then how come they wouldnt agree to the 1 yr raise freeze??? When times are tough everyone has to tighten their belts including teachers. I get the whole "shaping young minds" thing but we all work hard, no ones job is more important then the next persons. The teachers should stop being so greedy!!!!"

Nearly fell off of my chair from laughter. Yes, teachers do love teaching and they do love kids. Believe me, if you don't this isn't a job, it's a sentence. But just because you love something doesn't mean you shouldn't get paid for doing it. Since when does being paid for a job make one "greedy?"

As best I can tell, Alex Rodriguez loves playing baseball. But I really don't think that he lets his love of the game cloud his judgment when it comes to making a living. Yes, he loves the game, but he still expects (and deserves) to be paid well to do it. And, coincidentally, he enjoys having a contract - a sort of security blanket, if you will. So do teachers.

I could go on and on about the various posts I see every day but to what end? Most of the public had no interest in ever becoming teachers - they knew that the pay generally sucked. So they went into private industry and did as well as they could. Several of us chose a different path - for me, it came AFTER my time in private industry.

For now, the tables are reversed - public service is more stable and secure than the private sector. But that will change again and when it does, I hope I'm the first to post on the various newspaper website bashing all the greedy private sector workers with their cushy 40 hour work weeks, their BMWs in the parking lot and their yearly bonuses.

And while I'm at it, maybe I'll tell Alex Rodriguez where to get off too.

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